Homepage of Period04

Installation FAQ

  • Period04 only starts with an empty Window on Linux Systems when Desktop Effects are enabled:

    • Open the file .bashrc in your home directory and add the line:
      export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
      Save and restart bash by typing 'bash'. This should make the Period04 Interface visible.

  • 'JAVA_HOME missing' on Linux:

    • If you haven't done so already, install Java (java.sun.com/getjava).

    • If you see this message although Java is properly installed this means that the variable JAVA_HOME is still not defined on your system. To set this variable using the bash shell, follow these steps:

      (i) Locate your Java directory (it usually contains the folders 'bin', 'jre', 'lib',...). Let us suppose your Java home directory is '/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01'.

      (ii) Open the file '.bashrc' in your user directory with an editor. At the end of the file, append the line:
      export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01
      Save and close the file.

      If you do not want to edit '.bashrc' you can alternatively replace the $JAVA_HOME string in the 'period04' file by the path to your Java home directory (enter 'whereis period04' to find this file) .

  • Period04 does not find JRE on Windows:

    • If you haven't done so already, install Java (java.sun.com/getjava).

    • If this message appears although Java is properly installed, then the variable JAVA_HOME is still not defined on your system and/or the PATH variable does not contain the 'bin' directory of the JRE.

      First locate the Java directory on your system (it usually contains the folders 'bin', 'jre', 'lib',...).

      Then set or modify the required environment variables using the system properties dialog. After opening the dialog click the 'Environmental Variables' button and check the definitions of JAVA_HOME and PATH.
      Use the 'New' or 'Edit' buttons to set or modify a variable.

      The JAVA_HOME variable should be set to the directory that contains the 'bin', 'jre', 'lib' folders. Moreover, add "%JAVA_HOME%\bin" to your PATH variable.